Fast and Parallel
Lightening fast, real time results from all your subscriptions
1000s of learning videos, audio books to complement a massive collection of journals, ebooks and thesis
All your physical holdings from OPAC and eSubscriptions merged into a single, comprehensive catalog
Every library has its own soul. We do custom setups so your digital library has all the content your users need and nothing else
Lightening fast, real time results from all your subscriptions
Superior algorithms to deliver content most relevant and contextual to user's interests
Rich metadata, book jackets, lazy loading for a modern and intuitive experience
Faceted results combined with multi-tiered subject limiters enable quick discovery
Maps each result with your holdings for high full text link reliability
No bias to any publisher for ranking, linking or materials inclusion
Keeps a track of all user activity and reading history. Allows users to save PDFs directly to Dropbox
Readers can boast their reading credentials on social media or share documents privately with peeers
Relevant content prompts based on user's interests and email newsletter for latest content
Extends the access of digital library services and full text access of all eContent subscriptions from even outside your campus network.
Library staff can control full text access rights to a group of users and set expiry dates. Also includes graphical usage reports along with many other admin features.
Android and iOS Mobile app for full text access of all digital resources
Send alerts for new content additions or invites for library events
Scan Barcodes and QR codes, check compiled usage statistics and take user requests
Managed Social Media pages on FB, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram along with offline campaigns to make sure that launch of your website is the biggest news in the campus.
Facebook Canvas App allows users to discover and access library collections directly from your library FB page